T Balakrishna Bhat
Dr T Balakrishna Bhat

T Balakrishna Bhat graduated and obtained his Ph.D from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras and worked at DMRL, Hyderabad and JPL, Pasadena. He is a Fellow of the National Academy of Engineering.
Dr Bhat has been a recipient of several awards for his professional contributions and has published several research papers in international journals and also patented some of his inventions. He has published few books such as “Explosive compaction of powders and composites”, “Disunity or Unity ?”, “Gita In 5 Minutes”, "Engineering Our Way to Wealth", "Science for Babies", "Engineering for Babies", "Morals and Philosophies by Babies". He has a keen interest in analyzing societal problems. He practices and teaches yoga as learnt from Swami Ramdev.
Audio version of Gita shlokas
The audio track of all the Gita shlokas have been included here. The english transliteration of the shlokas have been included here.